answers of questions related ccna

Quick Check Answer Key
1. A, B
2. A, B
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. A, C, D
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. D
22. D
23. A, B, D
24. A, D, E
25. B
26. D
27. A
28. D
29. A, D
30. B
31. C
32. A, B, E
33. D
34. A, B, C
35. B
36. A
37. D
38. C
39. B
40. A
41. C
42. A
43. C
44. D
45. A, C
46. B
47. D
48. D
49. A
50. B
Answers and Explanations
1. Answers: A and B. You can issue show or debug commands in either User or Privileged mode. C is incorrect, as you cannot use show commands while in Line Configuration mode. D is incorrect, as you cannot use show commands while in Global Configuration mode.
2. Answers: A and B. You can store Cisco device configurations on FTP and TFTP servers. TFTP is preferred because of its lower overhead. C is incorrect, as SQL databases do not store Cisco device configurations. D is incorrect, as Oracle databases are not used to store Cisco device configurations.
3. Answer: D. The show interface command gives you all the physical and logical configuration information about a particular interface. A is incorrect, as ping is a TCP/IP utility that allows you to "ping" a connection to see whether there is connectivity. B is incorrect, as this is the command you would use on a Microsoft Windows PC to find your IP address. C is incorrect, as the traceroute command allows you to track the packet's path to its destination.
4. Answer: C. You type enable to enter Privileged EXEC mode. A is incorrect, as it is not a valid command. B is incorrect, as it is not a valid command. D is incorrect, as this command would take you out of Privileged EXEC mode.
5. Answer: A. The Catalyst switches have default configurations set up so that they can perform their basic switching roles without any further configurations. B is incorrect, as setting up an IP address would assist you in remote management via telnet, but isn't required. C is incorrect, as you do not need a router unless you need to get traffic outside your network segment. D is incorrect, as the Cisco IOS is not required for switches to function. In fact, some Catalyst switches do not have the IOS running.
6. Answer: B. The prompt Router# indicates the router is in Privileged EXEC mode. A is incorrect, as this prompt indicates that you are in User EXEC mode. C is incorrect, as this is not a valid prompt. D is incorrect, as this is not a valid prompt.
7. Answer: B. The > tells you that you are in User EXEC mode. A is incorrect, as you are not in Privileged mode. C is incorrect, as you can have the User mode prompt without configuring anything on a CAT 1900 switch. D is incorrect, as the > prompt does not indicate any hardware failures.
8. Answer: C. The hostname command will assign a name to your device. A is incorrect, as enable gets you into privileged mode on the switch. B is incorrect, as the hostname command is one word, not two. D is incorrect, as this is not a valid command.
9. Answer: D. First you must enter Privileged mode. Next you would enter Global Configuration mode. Finally, you would specify the IP address and subnet mask. A is incorrect, as you are not in the correct mode, nor are you issuing the correct command sequence. B is incorrect, as you are not in the correct mode to issue the command. The command itself is accurate. C is incorrect, as you would not have specified a subnet mask parameter.
10. Answer: C. The command clock ? will give you all the parameters (syntax) that follows after the Clock main command. A is incorrect, as cl? will simply tell you what commands start with cl. B is incorrect, as the IOS will attempt to clarify all commands that start with clock, which is the actual command here. D is incorrect, as you will get an invalid command error message.
11. Answer: B. The command banner motd [delimiting character] is what sets up a displayed message when you login to a router. A is incorrect, as the command is banner motd. C is incorrect, as you must issue the command in Global Configuration mode, not Privileged mode. D is incorrect, as that is an invalid command.
12. Answer: A, C, and D. You can telnet into a Cisco router if you know the IP address of one of the interfaces or the name of the router with DNS running. You can connect with a rollover cable to the Console port. You can also dial in via modem through an AUX port. B is incorrect, as FTP would merely allow you to download a configuration.
13. Answer: C. The console password requires anyone who attempts to plug a rollover serial cable into the console port to provide a password to log on. A is incorrect, as a vty is a virtual port or telnet port. B is incorrect, as there are no interface passwords. D is incorrect, as the Enable password prevents unauthorized users from entering privileged mode.
14. Answer: D. You probably have the baud rate set too low. The baud rate on a console port needs to be 9600bps. A is incorrect, as you must use an RJ-45 rollover cable. You cannot change the connectors. B is incorrect, as you will more than likely encounter the same issue with any other terminal program. C is incorrect, as you rarely, if ever, want to restart the router and reset it back to the beginning.
15. Answer: A. The show running-config command will show you all currently running configurations in RAM. B is incorrect, as you would see similar output; however, this shows the Current configuration. C is incorrect, as that command shows you the routing table on your router. D is incorrect, as the show version command gives you the up-to-date information on which IOS you are running, as well as the configuration register settings.
16. Answer: B. You would give the East router the username of the router to which you want to authenticate. In this case, it would be West. A is incorrect, as East would be the hostname of the router, not the username. C and D are incorrect, as neither of these routers are mentioned as possible connections. If there were routers named North and South, the East router would need usernames for both of them.
17. Answer: C. HDLC (High Level Data Link Control) is the default serial encapsulation on Cisco routers. A is incorrect, as you must configure your Cisco router for PPP. B is incorrect, as you must specify SLIP as an encapsulation. D is incorrect, as ATM is ordered through a service provider and is not the default encapsulation.
18. Answer: C. CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) requires a three-way handshake. It requires a challenge, reply, and Accept/Reject response. A is incorrect, as there are no one-way authentications. B is incorrect, as CHAP has three-way, and PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) uses a two-way handshake. D is incorrect, as all authentication protocols need mutual agreement.
19. Answer: B. The order of steps is
1. Link Establishment
2. Authentication (optional)
3. Network layer protocol establishment
A is incorrect, as authentication occurs after link establishment. C is incorrect, as authentication must occur before Layer 3 (network) establishment. D is incorrect, as authentication, although optional, occurs before the link is fully established and the interface is up.
20. Answer: A. This output is generated by the show version command. It gives you the current version of the IOS that is running, as well as other information about the router. B is incorrect, as this does not show the currently running configuration. C is incorrect, as this does not show the configuration that is saved in NVRAM. D is incorrect, as there is no such command.
21. Answer: D. The show ip interface brief command gives you a summary of all interfaces on the router. This is a good command to use to identify any issues with your interfaces' connectivity. A is incorrect, as this would give you detailed information on interface Ethernet 0/0. B is incorrect, as this is not a valid command. C is incorrect, as this command would give you detailed information about serial interface 0/1.
22. Answer: D. You'll notice that one router is running HDLC while the other is running PPP. They will not be able to communicate. A is incorrect, as both have addresses that are on the appropriate network. B is incorrect, as routers that are directly connected do not need a routing protocol to communicate. C is incorrect, as you notice that on both routers, the lines are "up," which means that there is electrical connectivity (Layer 1).
23. Answers: A, B, and D. You can copy your running-config to NVRAM (startup-config), the flash memory (if there is room), and to a RCP server (Remote Copy Protocol). C is incorrect, as correct syntax for a copy command is source to destination. Because you are copying from your running-config, that is the source, not the destination.
24. Answers: A, D, and E. Frame relay, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), and HDLC are all WAN encapsulation protocols. B is incorrect, as Ethernet is a LAN encapsulation. C is incorrect, as token ring is a LAN encapsulation, as well.
25. Answer: B. The command service password-encryption will hash all of the system passwords that are set. A is incorrect, as you cannot issue this command at the Privileged mode prompt. It must be done in Global Configuration mode. C is incorrect, as this command will not work in Privileged mode, and will not encrypt all of the passwords. D is incorrect, as this command will only give you an encrypted Privileged mode password, not all of the system passwords.
26. Answer: D. You must first go to the vty line that you want to put the password on, and then use the password command. You finish by specifying that users must login with the password with the login command. A is incorrect, as it is the correct method to configure a password on the console interface, not Telnet. B is incorrect, as the second command typed is invalid. C is incorrect, as the command for the password is incorrect. You would not use the enable secret command here.
27. Answer: A. The clockrate command sets the clocking, or physical speed of the interface. It establishes the DCE side of a serial connection. It acts as sort of a metronome that specifies the timing of sending data. B is incorrect, as keepalives are sent on Ethernet interfaces. C is incorrect, as the advertised bandwidth of an interface is set with the bandwidth command. D is incorrect, as you would use the Clock command to set the time on your router, or you can have it set to receive its time from an NNTP server.
28. Answer: D. There are five vty (Telnet) lines established by default on a Cisco router. They start at vty 0. A is incorrect, as this is an invalid command. B is incorrect, as this would allow you to configure your Ethernet interface, not Telnet lines. C is incorrect, as the numbering of the vty lines starts at 0, not 1.
29. Answers: A and D. You can issue show commands from User mode (>) or Privileged mode (#). B is incorrect, as you cannot issue show commands from global configuration mode. C is incorrect, as you cannot issue show commands from Route Protocol mode. E is incorrect, as ROMON mode, or RomMonitor, is a low-level maintenance utility that helps bring back a corrupted router's IOS image.
30. Answer: B. Older versions of the IOS do not support encrypted Privileged mode passwords. By placing an Enable password, you would still have a way to keep people out of Privileged mode if reverting to an older IOS. A is incorrect, as applications do not use Privileged mode passwords to access a Cisco router. C is incorrect, as the router ignores the Enable password after the Enable Secret password is configured. D is incorrect, as you would only type the Enable Secret password to access Privileged mode.
31. Answer: C. The keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+Z will bring you back to Privileged mode. A is incorrect, as this is the method to suspend a Telnet session. B is incorrect, as this is one of the ways to stop a process from running. D is incorrect, as this will merely move you back one mode. In this case, you would merely go back to Global Configuration mode.
32. Answers: A, B, and E. The NCPs can be calculated, such as IPXCP, IPCP, and other Layer 3 protocols. CHAP authentication and Multilink Protocol are options that can also be negotiated during the LCP portion. C is incorrect, as UDP is a Layer 4 protocol, and PPP does not work at Layer 4. D is incorrect, as Q.931 is a signaling standard used by ISDN.
33. Answer: D. Reloading the router will force the router to reboot and load the configuration in the router's NVRAM. A is incorrect, as this will place you into the router configuration setup script. B is incorrect, as this will copy your currently running configuration into NVRAM. C is incorrect, as this will merely "merge" the saved configuration with the currently running configuration. If there are changes made to the running configuration that were not addressed in your saved configuration, they will remain and not be overwritten.
34. Answers: A, B, and C. Cisco's IOS provides connectivity, reliability, and security for your Cisco devices. This includes support for network protocols such as IP, IPX, AppleTalk, and more. D is incorrect, as you must purchase a Web management program such as CiscoWorks.
35. Answer: B. The correct baud rate is 9600, thus B is the correct answer. A, C, and D are incorrect baud rate settings and will cause your screen to incorrectly display information from your console port.
36. Answer: A. You must have an IP address configured on an interface for a router or on a Management VLAN for a Catalyst switch. B is incorrect, as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is not required for Telnet. C is incorrect, as Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is not required for Telnet to work. D is incorrect, as Cisco Devices have five vty ports configured by default.
37. Answer: D. The disable command will take you from Privileged EXEC mode back to User mode. A is incorrect, as this is the command that will take you from User mode to Privileged mode. B is incorrect, as this will log you out of your connection. C is incorrect, as this command places you in Global Configuration mode.
38. Answer: C. You will issue the ip address command in Global Configuration mode for a Catalyst 1900 series. A is incorrect, as it is an incomplete command, and it is at the wrong prompt. B is incorrect, as the command is issued at Global Configuration mode, not Privileged mode. D is incorrect, as this would be the method to configure the IP address for a Catalyst 2950.
39. Answer: B. The show flash command gives you the contents of the flash memory, as well as the amount of remaining memory. A is incorrect, as this command would show all the configurations stored in NVRAM. C is incorrect, as this is not a valid command. D is incorrect, as show version will give you the currently running IOS image and information about the router, such as uptime and configuration register settings.
40. Answer: A. The show ip command will give you the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway of the Catalyst switch. B is the incorrect answer, as this would give you the information on other switches. C is incorrect, as this command is not valid on a switch. D is incorrect, as this command shows you the currently running software and other parameters, but not the IP address on the 1900 switch.
41. Answer: C. You will be taken to the System Configuration dialog if there are no configurations saved in NVRAM. A is incorrect, as you would be taken to ROMON mode if the IOS is corrupted. B is incorrect, as missing parameters will not start the System Configuration dialog. D is incorrect, as the question stated that you saw the output after powering up the router. You can get this text if you issue that command, but that would have happened after you had logged in.
42. Answer: A. show con does not have enough characters for the IOS to finish the command. B is incorrect, as you would see the incomplete command output. C is incorrect, as this would produce the unknown command output. D is incorrect, as context-sensitive help requires the use of the ?.
43. Answer: C. The dollar sign ($) indicates that there is text to the left of the symbol. A is incorrect, as the (^) symbol typically indicates where a command has erred. B is incorrect, as commands longer than one line are allowed. D is incorrect, as the router will not shorten any commands unless you have typed in a shortened version, such as config t for configure terminal.
44. Answer: D. The history size command will permanently alter the command history buffer. A is incorrect, as this command will only adjust the buffer for the current session. B is incorrect, as you cannot issue the history size command from Privileged mode. C is incorrect, as you would not issue the terminal history command from Global Configuration mode, and it is the wrong command as well.
45. Answers: A and C. You can view the descriptions placed on the interfaces with the show interfaces command or show running-config. B is incorrect, as the show flash command shows the IOS images and any configurations saved to flash memory. D is incorrect, as this command gives you all the running routing protocols, such as RIP or IGRP.
46. Answer: B. The logging synchronous command will enable the IOS to retype your input after displaying a console message. This will not interrupt your command. A is incorrect, as exec-timeout sets how long a session can remain idle without logging off the user. C is incorrect, as this command merely brings you to Line Configuration mode. D is incorrect, as this is an invalid command.
47. 47 -Answer: D. This is the command issued on a 7000 or 7500 Cisco router with a VIP card. It has a slot, port adapter, and port number. A, B, and C are incorrect definitions.
48. Answer: D. You issue the clockrate command in Interface Configuration mode, and it must be set in bits per second. A and B are incorrect, as the bandwidth command is only good for the advertised bandwidth. C is incorrect, as you must specify the speed in bits per second, not Kbps.
49. Answer: A. You would use the encapsulation command in Interface Configuration mode—for example: router1(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay. B is incorrect, as you would issue the command in Interface Configuration mode. C is incorrect, as you can only issue limited show commands in User mode. D is incorrect, as you can enter configuration modes and perform router maintenance.
50. Answer: B. All your passwords will be shown in encrypted form after issuing the service password-encryption command. A is incorrect, as the encrypted passwords are shown in a hashed format. C is incorrect, as the rest of the output looks correct. D is incorrect, as the enable secret command gives you an encrypted Privilege mode password, not all the passwords.